FAQs Table of Contents

General Book Manufacturing FAQs

What are the minimum and maximum quantities BindTech can produce?

We really can do it all – our Phoenix facility specializes in short runs and can do a book of one. On the flip side, our ability to leverage multiple facilities for a project allows us to tackle projects in the millions.

What is BindTech’s maximum trim size?

While there is no maximum trim size, it is important to note that books larger than 12” spine-to-face cannot be done with the same level of automation. As such, there is a significant cost discrepancy between books that are under and over 12” spine-to-face.

What is the minimum book bulk that BindTech can bind?

The general rule of thumb is 1/8”, but there are some books we can sew under 1/8” thick.

Is the grain direction of my paper important?

Grain direction should always run parallel to the spine when possible. While that’s not always possible for the text, it is critical that the endsheets and cover are correct grain. Please consult your CSR when printing cross-grained text, as “waviness” can occur.

What is the minimum thickness required for end sheets?

All furnished end sheets must be at least .006 thick (80# uncoated).

What weight stock should our covers be printed on if BindTech is going to laminate them?

They should be printed on 100# text.

Can a digital book block be Smyth sewn?

Unfortunately, not. Since Smyth sewing involves sewing through the fold in the spine, the books must come as signatures. Common sewing options for digital book blocks include side sewing and oversewing.

Is there a book BindTech can’t produce?

We do everything other than saddle stitching.

Project FAQ’s

What are BindTech’s general lead times?

Lead times vary greatly depending on the type of project, the materials involved, and the run length. Some soft-cover projects can take days, while other complex hard-cover projects can take weeks. If there is an important date that you need your books by, please let our team know on the front end, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

Can BindTech provide me with a cover and dust jacket layout?

Absolutely! To provide a layout, all we need is your BindTech quote number and the ppi/caliper of the text stock you will be using.

What needs to be on my PO?

It is critical that your POs have the BindTech quote number, a detailed breakdown of the services you want BindTech to perform, and the price for the project.

How should my cover artwork be supplied?

Cover and stamping artwork should be supplied as all-black vector files. Please note that if your cover utilizes multiple colors/treatments, you will need a different file for each color/hit.

Ready to Bring Your Project to Life?

Let us help you elevate your next book binding project with our unmatched expertise and craftsmanship. Contact us today to get a personalized quote tailored to your needs.

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